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Well before social media became widely adopted, I was using my camera to document the world as I saw it. I captured memories of trips for my friends and family simply because I enjoyed sharing experiences with those closest to me.

When I began, every picture I had taken was truly my own. There were little available sources for inspiration so I was left to learn and guide myself through the industry. I still treat my work like this today, and rely on really thinking about what I want my photography to communicate in order to determine what photos I make and how I create them.

When my work grew in popularity, I stopped pursuing my Master of Architecture and went into photography full time. It's been an exciting past decade, and after having run Palander Studios while working as a Creative Director and Photographer I want to similarly help others realize what they want their work to communicate.

As photographers, we capture experiences in our images. With that, this workshop is designed to help you realize what type of creator you are, how to build a meaningful personal brand, and to create with intent above all else. It's one thing to copy what you see online, but it is another to realize what inspires you and develop your skillset to be able to show how you experience the world differently.

The workshop is now available all year.



This workshop will be broken down into four distinct sessions (1 hour each) and is primarily dedicated to developing your creative capabilities, but will also teach you how to leverage social media and grow your business. Assignments will be given ahead of each session to prepare you for our discussions. Each session has been created with flexibility in mind.

We’ll discuss individually what your personal goals and learning style is so we can determine how to approach this workshop the best way possible. Please keep this in mind as we progress through each working session.


There are limited spots available given the length of this workshop - it will be first join basis. 


"I couldn't have trusted anybody else to look at my business and my photography other than Alen, it was worth every penny. Not only was he customizing his way of teaching on how to brand my self out in a noisy market but he also takes a deep understanding of the positioning of where you at in your brand/business/work"

- Washington Chua

"Alen’s workshop was super beneficial. He has shown me to look at things in different perspectives when it comes to my photography. He showed me how to present myself and my portfolio to businesses, and even after the workshop was over he’s still there as a mentor”

- Arthur Thomas

“In taking this workshop, I was able to work directly with Alen on improving so many aspects of my photography, project pitch and branding as a whole. I noticed a significant improvement on my body of work and got 5x more projects than previous years. What really set this workshop apart from others I've taken before was the ability to go into specific details that applied directly to me and my business”

- Daniel Ince

"After working with Alen, my approach to photography completely changed. Not only did I improve my actual skill set and post-production editing, but also my approach to building my personal brand and pitching clients. It really gave me the confidence and knowledge I needed to eventually launch my own photography business not long after”

- Brock Wunderlich

“I found the workshop to be immensely informative and amusing. Alen is highly knowledgeable in his field and is willing to guide those who want to learn. I greatly recommend the workshop if you want to enhance your creativity and photography from a different perspective”

- Mohammed Alshamali


“Very thankful for the one-on-one strategizing! Gave me a lot of perspective when it comes to honing in on my niche and learning how to properly convey consistency, intention, and creativity in my portfolio when approaching potential clients”

- Houston Ray

"I'm an experienced photographer and filmmaker, but I didn't want to say no to Alen’s workshop and it was worth it. We spent more time than a fixed hour, it was a burden for him to answer my open questions. If you are a beginner or an advanced content creator, this workshop is fun and will take you further”

- Lothar Radscheid

“For me, Alen’s workshop was a great way to get individual coaching from a top tier creative. His advice helped push my work forward significantly”

- Ryan Smith

Learning from Alen helped me on so many levels. Not only to improve the way I edit pictures but also how to make them really stand out. What really benefited me was how he talked about his approaches to pitching clients and how every session was so personal and well fitted to my needs”

- Dominik Pohl

"I was planning to grow my reach on Instagram, and with Alens help I made it to grow from 200 Followers to over 30k in just 1 year. He also gave me amazing input on how to reach out to clients as an expert and close deals with bigger budgets. So I got the money I invested in the workshop back quickly. Best decision ever.

- Patrizio De Mitri


Some FAQs

Q: Is this workshop for photographers and filmmakers?
A: Yes, but more focused on photography.

Q: Is this workshop fully one-on-one?
A: Yes, a mentorship is the best method for developing your skills.

Q: When will the workshops begin?
A: The workshop is available all year and classes begin one week after purchase.

Q: What is the method of communication?
A: I’ll be using Google Meet to host each video call & e-mail for workshop material.

Q: What other material come with the workshop?
A: You’ll be provided a guide. raw images for editing sessions, and one print.

Q: Will you share your editing process?
A: Yes, you’ll be able to follow along step by step.

Q: Is there a limited amount of students you accepting?
A: Yes, because the workshop is one-on-one.

Q: Will we have direct access to you daily?
A: Yes, you will have my contact number and can send me messages when necessary.

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